Thursday 2 April 2020

Owl pellet discovery !

Hello, hello!! Ferreting Fynn here, we've been meaning to do this for a long time: dissect the owl pellets we found at Oughtonhead. I highly recommend finding owl pellets and then going home and dissecting them as you can find some pretty cool stuff. It is hard identifying the actual animal (like you can see in the pictures) so I suggest trying to find an ID sheet online, I just started doing the lucky dip to see what I could find and some of the things I found were heads, Jaws, legs, and other weird stuff. Right now, my desk is still a mess and before I forget, I highly recommend a magnifier eye glass to see the bones more closely and a pair of thin tweezers and don't throw the bones away!! Keep them for a bit in say a jar also, don't use your fingers without gloves on especially in this time.

That's enough from me!! Have a good one and stay safe, try this out for yourself See you soon!! Ferreting Fynn


  1. Loving the blogs, Fynn. All those bones in one owl pellet is amazing! It looks like there were a lot of bits feathers/fur in there too. Did you have any thoughts on what they might be from?
    “Owl” be looking forward to your next blog ����

  2. Interesting to see . Well done 👍

  3. Thant's really great- what a lot of things you found in that pellet! I'm soooo looking forard to your next blog!

  4. Amazing finding Fynn!! James and Liam bought home owl Pellets when they did a nature walk at school, very cool (that was until Liam left them in his trousers pocket 😱 🤮

  5. Great work Finn!

  6. What a great hobby to have. I hope you keep at it, young man!
